The path to wellness starts with connection. Each of my offerings is a chance to connect with yourself and the world around you. Through yoga, reiki, and mindfulness, I am here to guide you towards bridging your inner and outer worlds, helping you connect to your inner light, and radiate it into the world. ~Jen

About Jen


RYT 500, Reiki Master, Mindfulness Coach

With certifications in Vinyasa, Hatha, Kids, Gentle, Yin, & Restorative Yoga

My yoga journey began almost 20 years ago. When I began practicing yoga in my twenties, I was exploring ways to integrate movement into my daily life. In my thirties, motherhood brought me back to my mat as a way to find stress relief. Now, as a certified yoga teacher in my forties, yoga has become a way of life, a path towards returning to my true Self. A teacher at heart, sharing the gift of yoga with others has become an integral part of daily living. I continue to learn and expand my ideas and knowledge of today’s yoga and how to reach those who are reluctant to come to the mat, because I truly believe that yoga is truly for every. single. body. After feeling led to the path of reiki, I decided to expand my knowledge to energy healing and how I could offer that to others. Yoga and reiki are meant to be shared, and I have the utmost gratitude that I am able to guide others to discover that healing for themselves. My goal is to offer you opportunities to live in a way that nourishes your whole self, inside and out. The journey you’re on is yours. I would love to help guide you towards a more radiant path where you can SHINE.


Current Public Yoga Offerings


*all offerings in CST

WED 10:30a Prosper Flow (60 min) at Pure Prana Path

FRI coming soon… Chair Yoga for Seniors at the Walzem YMCA

Contact me with any questions!


Private and small group yoga sessions can be scheduled by contacting me! Mom groups, bachelorette groups, girls’ night out, family sessions, kids’ groups, corporate events, and MORE are welcome!




Enjoy these free yoga and meditation videos on my YouTube channel. Please like and subscribe!



We’re all on the same journey, but we shape our own paths. However we choose to travel, let’s SHINE!